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IT DEV Connections 2017
Conference,  SharePoint,  Speaking

IT/Dev Connections 2017


It was a great week in San Francisco! The #ITDEVConnections conference is a high-quality event that focuses on real-world technical sessions and the conference delivered. Both of my sessions had good participation from attendees – I enjoyed answering questions and getting to know everyone.

My first session topic was how you can plan and execute a transition from SharePoint Designer workflows to Microsoft Flow. The slides are available via the IT/Dev Connections website, but there was a question regarding the functionality gaps between Designer and MS Flow – in the session I mentioned a website to keep track of the gaps and here is the link: https://ms.flow.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/release-notes/#known-issues-and-resolutions

I also mentioned in the session that you can signup for the PowerApps Community Plan to gain access to PowerApps and Microsoft Flow for free.

On the same day as my first session, I participated on an expert panel discussion where we answered questions from attendees and via the moderator, Liam Cleary.

In my second session we looked at the business intelligence options in SharePoint, as well as Power BI. One of the great BI additions in SharePoint Online capabilities is column formatting that is currently rolling out. I demonstrated how you can easily use JSON code to style and enhance list views and how that can make a huge difference for your users.

There was also a great deal of conversation and questions from the attendees on how to share Power BI content and what licenses are required for sharing. As I stated in the session and is mentioned in the following article, “…to share a dashboard you need a Power BI Pro license, or the content needs to be in a Premium capacity.” If you have any questions or your organization needs help with Power BI implementation, please do reach out to me so we can get you started with secure collaboration and data insights: Contact Page

Please join me in San Fransisco for IT/Dev Connections! I will be speaking on October 24th and 25th – I would love to have you join me.

On October 2ad4th, I will be presenting Transition Your SharePoint Designer Workflows to Microsoft Flow and on the 25th my presentation will be all about Business Intelligence Using SharePoint and Power BI.

If you plan to be at the conference, please let me know so we can meet up!

You can register now and join us!


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