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Exclude Managed Path

In the SharePoint version 2.0 products, to exclude a directory from SharePoint “control”, you add an Explicit Exclusion to the Managed Paths for the site using the Central Administration Website. You also add Explicit Inclusions and Wildcard Inclusions at the same location.

However, in SharePoint version 3.0 products, it is a bit different. You still create Explicit Inclusions and Wildcard Inclusions on the administration page for the site. However, to create an Explicit Exclusion, you just have to create a new Virtual Directory in IIS underneath the appropriate IIS Virtual Server. This is because ASP.NET knows that when you create a new virtual directory, it should not touch it. Pretty nifty, eh?

When I set my excluded directories up, I did run into a minor issue. It was so minor that all I had to do was give the Network Service account read permissions on the physical directory.


  • Craig Humphrey

    We’re building a new WWW site on MOSS and need to set up some redirects for some of our old content (e.g. the URL has changed between the old site and the new site).

    I don’t really want to have to write some clever ASP.NET app to handle this, I’d prefer just to set up some unmanaged paths on the site which I can then set up redirects on.

    I don’t think your statement applies to this situation, as I can’t get to the static HTML page I’ve got set up for testing, as I can see (in the IIS log) that MOSS is handling the request.

    Any ideas?


  • dggcoop

    I believe creating a virtual directory is the way to go. Create the virtual directory in the path that visitors will be going to and then configure it to redirect in the IIS settings (you don’t have to use an HTML file). You probably will need to recycle the application pool for the IIS virtual server for SharePoint to recognize the new directory. Then SharePoint should ignore your new virtual directory.

  • Mike Knowles

    +1 for the reminder to restart the application pool. The web application that shows up in Central Admin was working right away, however the public-facing site that is setup by AAM on a different port didn't recognize the virtual dir until iisreset was applied.

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