Microsoft 365 Message Center Email
Keeping up with changes in the Microsoft 365 Message Center is important for administrators and technology adoption specialists within your organization. The Message Center provides a subscription type service so you can receive messages delivered to you on the schedule you desire.
Message Center Roles

To access the Message Center, you will need to have at least one of the following roles assigned to you:
- Global admin
- Global reader
- Message Center privacy reader
- Message Center reader
Once you have at least one of these roles, you will be able to access the Message Center by navigating to and selecting the Message center link under the Health menu on the left-hand side of the page.
Receiving Weekly Emails
A good way to keep up to date on the changes in Microsoft 365 is to subscribe to my podcast: the 365 Message Center Show. During the weekly show, Darrell Webster and I cover all the new messages and discuss how they are important (or not), and any announcements that are missing. We do the show live on YouTube and have an audio version as well!
You will also want to make sure you are receiving the weekly wrap-up email from the Microsoft 365 subscription service. To signup for emails while in the Message Center, select the Preferences link. Scroll down to the bottom of the preferences pane to see the email options.

The first option is to receive a weekly digest of the messages via email. Once it is selected, you will receive emails that contain messages regarding the services you have selected above.
The check boxes labeled “Primary e-mail address” and “Other e-mail addresses” are indented and give the impression that they apply only to data privacy messages, but it applies to all the email options.
You can send the emails to other email addresses as well. Enter up to two email addresses in the box and then emails will be sent to those addresses as well.
Stop Individual Emails
If you want to stop receiving major updates individually, simply un-check the option for Send me e-mails for major updates. You will still receive the weekly digest email, if you have it selected.
Staying on top of the changes coming in Microsoft 365 is a big job and fortunately Microsoft provides one easy way to help via the subscription service.