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  • Nashville SQL Saturday 2019

    Join me at Nashville SQL Saturday (#SQLSatNash) on January 12th, 2019. I'll be delivering a session titled Gaining insights with Power BI. We will be looking at what goes into building a great Power BI report, situations you need to be keeping in mind when maintaining your content, and what is available to you for sharing your dashboards and reports. We will also look at the Power BI service settings you need to DISABLE right now! Event registration and info can be found on the site: Nashville SQL Saturday 2019 (SQLSat 815) [UPDATE] SQLSatNash was a fantastic time of learning, networking, and building technical community! Thank you to the many attendees…

  • Attendees Creating a custom Microsoft Flow template gallery in SharePoint

    Creating a custom Microsoft Flow template gallery in SharePoint

    Microsoft Flow is the workflow tool in Office 365 to automate your tasks and business processes, whether your systems are on-premises, in Microsoft's cloud, or even if they are not part of Microsoft's catalog. Flow allows you to create templates to help you not recreate the wheel when you are creating your flows and you can even share those flows with others by exporting the templates. Earlier this year I had the opportunity to work with Sarah Haase (Office Apps & Services Microsoft MVP) on an interesting issue: how to share Microsoft Flow templates within an organization without uploading them to the public Flow template gallery. Sarah put together a blog series…

  • Microsoft Ignite 2018 Keynote Interviews #MSIgnite

    Microsoft Ignite Keynote Interviews with Microsoft MVPs

    The 2018 installment of the Microsoft Ignite conference was a week filled with learning, sharing, and connecting with the tech community. The week got started with a Keynote kicked off by Julia White and delivered by Satya Nadella. I was able to catch up with several Microsoft MVPs before and after the keynote to discuss what they're looking for forward to at the conference, as well as what they thought about the announcements in the keynote. Check out the interviews video below with Heather Newman, Sarah Haase, Luc Labelle, Mike Maadarani, and Drew Madelung – it was created, edited, and produced all on my mobile phone while at the conference.

  • SQL Saturday Memphis 2018

    SQL Saturday Memphis 2018

    On October 6, 2018, I will be speaking in Memphis, Tennessee at the SQL Saturday event. The day is filled with sessions covering Azure, Python, SQL Server (of course), SQL on Linux, Power BI, and my session: Using Your On-prem Data in a Cloud World. In my session, we will discuss the benefits of using Microsoft Flow, PowerApps, and Power BI, how those benefits translate to being on-prem, and how we can use the data in Office 365 as well. We will setup a data gateway and walk through using it to connect to data wherever it resides! Click here for more details for the #SQLSatMemphis event, including registration and the schedule. [UPDATE]…

  • SQL Saturday Atlanta BI Edition 2018

    SQL Saturday Atlanta BI Edition 2018

    Please join me on September 22, 2018 in Atlanta Georgia for another SQL Saturday event – this time a business intelligence edition! The day will be filled with sessions covering Power BI, Azure BI, SSIS, and my session: Using Your On-prem Data in a Cloud World. In my session, we will discuss the benefits of using Microsoft Flow, PowerApps, and Power BI, how those benefits translate to being on-prem, and how we can use the data in Office 365 as well. We will setup a data gateway and walk through using it to connect to data wherever it resides! Click here for more details for the #SQLSatATLBI event, including registration and the…

  • SQL Saturday Louisville 2018 #sqlsatlouisville

    SQL Saturday Louisville 2018

    [UPDATE] Thank you everyone that attended my session! Please let me know if you have any questions or if I can help in any way. Here are the links on DAX that I said I would provide: DAX Basics: DanielGlenn.com/DAXBasics Video Course: DanielGlenn.com/DAXvideos I had a great group during my #PowerBI session today at #sqlsatlouisville. Thank you for attending! https://t.co/aB0gY4Ojn2 pic.twitter.com/Opk0WN0CLa — Daniel Glenn (@DanielGlenn) July 21, 2018 ——- Join me on July 21st in Louisville Kentucky for SQL Saturday! This is a fantastic event every year and I am excited to be accepted back to speak. This year I will be speaking on how to gain insights using Power…

  • SharePoint Saturday New York City 2018

    SharePoint Saturday New York City 2018

    SharePoint Saturday New York City 2018 will be a fantastic conference and I will be delivering a joint presentation with Sarah Haase this year! We will be giving a new session titled Driving adoption of Microsoft Flow, one solution at a time. In the session, you will learn the essentials of the Microsoft Flow service and how it can be used to drive business value. You'll also learn how to showcase custom workflow templates for your organization to give your users a jump-start with Microsoft Flow. Registration is open – join us on July 28th!  

  • SPS Montreal 2018

    SharePoint Saturday Montreal 2018

    I am heading to Canada on June 2nd for SharePoint Saturday Montreal! I will be giving a session titled Gaining insights with Power BI. In the session, I will talk about how to build compelling dashboards and how you can get insights from your data. I will also cover managing the Power BI service and how to use the different apps. Registration is open – join us on June 2nd!  

  • REgarding 365 Debate 2

    Do you need an intranet? Are they still relevant?

    On Thursday 4/19/2018 3pm Central time, the REgarding 365 crew and some special guests will tackle the question: Are Intranets still relevant? Join me, Liz Sundet, Sarah Haase, Tracy van der Schyff, Alistair Pugin, and Sébastien Levert as we dive into this very important discussion. If you can join us live, make sure you join the chat and ask your questions, get your word in! More info on the event can be found on the REgarding 365 blog. You can tune into the debate using the video below (or check the recording if you aren't able to jump in live).

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    Minnesota User Group Tour 2018

    The title of this post is a little silly, but I will be speaking at the Minnesota SharePoint Users Group and the Minnesota Office 365 User Group in February! First up on February 14th, I will be presenting an intro session on Microsoft Flow and discussing the Flow road-map. You can find more details and register here: MN SharePoint User Group February The second session will be on February 15th at the Minnesota Office 365 user group. This session will focus on Power BI – with an extra focus on how to administer the service. Details and register here: MN O365 User Group February I hope to see you at both meetings!