I recently had the pleasure of working with Guy in a Cube on a video highlighting the benefits of using Power BI in Microsoft Teams. It was fun to break-in – I mean be invited into – Patrick's cube to record this video with Adam. 🙂 Be on the lookout for another video we recorded around Microsoft Lists!
In the video we talked about how you can use Power BI via an app inside of Microsoft Teams to view reports and work with your visuals. I also showed how you can add a Power BI workspace app in a Microsoft Teams channel as a tab. These Power BI apps are created from a workspace, and you have the capability of picking and choosing the functionality you want to include in the app from the workspace. As Adam pointed out, this is the preferred method of sharing reports in an enterprise scenario.

I highlighted just a couple ways that you can work around collaboration in Power BI. I'm really looking forward to how Microsoft takes collaboration to the next level in the coming months!
Check out the video below and let me know your thoughts.