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  • OneDrive/SharePoint Share Control - Simplifying Link Settings - 365 Message Center Show #263

    OneDrive/SharePoint Share Control – Simplifying Link Settings

    Creating sharing links is going to be clear and simple thanks to some changes in the Share Control window for OneDrive and SharePoint. Descriptions are simpler. See who is using a sharing link at a glance. This should simplify choosing the right type of link for sharing. That and more on this week's episode!!

  • Pop out shared Teams content in separate window - 365 Message Center Show #247

    Pop out shared Teams content in separate window

    Arrange your meeting content and people to suit the way you work. Pop shared content out to its own window. Move it to a second monitor and move the video gallery below your webcam. Great for viewing large, shared desktops and detailed content.

  • Microsoft Loop components in Outlook Mail - 365 Message Center Show #237

    Microsoft Loop components in Outlook Mail

    Live Loop collaboration is about to expand into Outlook Mail. The portable canvas for work will be able to be embedded and shared in email to reach even more people for contribution. What benefits does this add over and above Loops in Teams chat? Be sure that Daniel and Darrell have some opinions on the subject.

  • Spam Notification in Call Toast - 365 Message Center Show #206

    Spam Notification in Call Toast

    Who is that? I don't recognize the number. It could be a new customer. It might be a new team member. Oh it's a spam call. That was a distracting waste of time. Get notification of a possible spam call before you answer.