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SharePoint Collapsible Sections - 365 Message Center Show #202
Message Center Show

SharePoint Collapsible Sections

Add content into collapsible sections on SharePoint pages. Viewers scroll less. Page content is tidier. But Daniel cautions that hiding content may mean missed content.

This week on the 365 Message Center Show

In this episode:

– Real-time Telemetry for End User
– SharePoint Collapsible Sections
– Microsoft 365 profile update: Add topics to user profiles
– SharePoint Syntex site template for model evaluation
– Meeting Join Custom Branding
– Microsoft Lists: Custom list templates

📢 Quick mentions – short updates and reminders to prepare for major updates
– Speed Dial on Mobile devices
– Migrating admin experiences to the Power Platform admin center
– Support for PSTN users to raise hand in meetings and for meeting organizers to manage PSTN audio capabilities.

📞 Call back – Discuss one or two updates that we've covered in older episode, which are arriving in tenants.
– OneDrive: Sharing experience – “Shared with”


Join Daniel Glenn and Darrell as a Service Webster as they cover the latest messages in the Microsoft 365 Message Center.

Check out Daniel and Darrell's own YouTube channels at:
Daniel – https://www.youtube.com/DanielGlenn
Darrell – https://www.youtube.com/modernworkplacescenarios


Episode 202 Transcription

This transcript was created automatically. Apologies for any spelling or other types of errors.


— Darrell Webster

Welcome to the 365 Message Center Show. Today we'll be looking at adding topics to user profiles. Is it what we think it is?

— Darrell Webster

Meeting join custom branding would be nice to see our logo there and we'll dive into SharePoint collapsible sections.

— Darrell Webster

Let's roll it.

— Daniel Glenn

The following episode was recorded live on YouTube. Check out our website at message Center dot show for all of our episodes.

— Darrell Webster

Excited about anything there on the on the agenda there, Daniel.

— Daniel Glenn

I am yes.

— Daniel Glenn

But nothing you talked about just then.

— Daniel Glenn

So for yeah and we'll get to it for the share point collapsible sections. I think there's a lot of people excited about this, and I asked the question, will you use this really? So? We'll see. We'll talk about it

— Daniel Glenn

Well I'll tell you what I'm excited about when I get to it so there.

— Darrell Webster

Excellent, looking forward to it look. Thank you for those who wanted to tune in last week but didn't.

— Darrell Webster

Uhm, we did need to take a break. We probably do it two times a year where Daniel has his summer and then I have my summer.

— Daniel Glenn

Huh, that's right. And you would have known that.

— Daniel Glenn

We were taking a break. If you were following us on the socials, we are on the socials as @365MCS. Follow us on the socials and you will know about those kind of things.

— Daniel Glenn

Because we will tell you.

— Darrell Webster

Are you telling people off if they if they aren't anymore?

— Darrell Webster


— Daniel Glenn

I'm not telling them off. I am encouraging them. I'm encouraging them to go ahead and out, go out there to Instagram and Facebook and LinkedIn and Twitter, and follow @365MCS.

— Daniel Glenn

Yes, that's what I'm saying.

— Darrell Webster

There we go. OK that's cool. Well, we'll get into this first message. Because there are a few. Given that we are catching up for the two weeks, we're going to start off with this interesting message around real time telemetry for end users. MC 265449.

— Darrell Webster

Now this is for Microsoft Teams and it is about an end user being in a call and being able to have a quick look and see what the quality of their call is like and it's measured across audio, video, content sharing and network. It's all about.

— Darrell Webster

The network statistics about how many frames per second you're transmitting, etc. The quality or bitrate of the audio and the video, and you'll be able to find this under the ellipsis button. It's a cool health button.

— Darrell Webster

And so if we jump a bit further down, we'll see an example of it in action. Here's a call running and we see the round time trip for all of you who well, gamers would be really, really familiar with us.

— Darrell Webster

Merley seconds.

— Darrell Webster

Uhm, we've got yeah audio bitrates. Video frames per second. It's good to see a good frame rate there, and sometimes we see that drop down in terms of quality when calls are not getting the bandwidth that they would like, but you notice to the size of the video.

— Darrell Webster

Feed and so. This 960 by 540 is not a number that we normally see.

— Darrell Webster

Yet if we get down a bit further, a good example of another, well, healthy core 1280 by 720. Again, we're not seeing 1080P.

— Darrell Webster

An interesting sort of stuff. Nothing really here in the in the screen sharing example, but we will see similar things because in short a shared screen is really just another video feed and as a quick note before I hand over to Daniel for a few comments.

— Darrell Webster

The priority is given to shared content when you are sharing your screen that it will step down your video quality, you would have noticed.

— Darrell Webster

This when the screen is being shared because we want to see what's on the screen. We want to hear people, but we're not so interested about drop frames on people faces or whether yeah. Anyway, Daniel, what do you think?

— Daniel Glenn

Yeah, I think that is good stuff.

— Daniel Glenn

I don't know who's going to you.

— Daniel Glenn

Is it? We'll see? I think it people who understand this kind of stuff, will, you know, will want to look at that.

— Daniel Glenn

And of course admin seeing it on the in the admin section. You know in the back end, I think we'll be paying attention to this kind of stuff. But for users this is just an indication of I'm seeing something going on.

— Daniel Glenn

You know, video looks weird or something. It's just a quick way to check. But again, will users know what those numbers mean and if will they know that?

— Daniel Glenn

Maybe someone who's video gaming in the other room is having impact on my connection. Or you know, I just don't know.

I don't know, I just don't know the value to those end users. Those people who don't know what bitrate is and frame rate, and you know they you know you look at you.

— Daniel Glenn

You talked about that first video aspect ratio and you said, oh, that's not really good. But you know someone might look at that and go.

— Daniel Glenn

960 by 540 is that good, I don't know, you know so.

— Darrell Webster

Well, you know. I mean, I know we're using YouTube right now, but how many of you have had to tap a couple of times to change it to an optimal frame rate? Or an optimal video quality?

— Darrell Webster

One thing that the community is really kicking back on with You Tube is like why did you step us down to 480 and make us tap through? But anyway, so any who's exactly this is expected to roll out late June.

— Darrell Webster

Yeah, that's now we've already got it. In fact, this could be almost our callback section. Daniel, if we were then interested.

— Darrell Webster

Right, we're not.

— Darrell Webster

Good feature for IT pros anyway. Let's carry on with your message which is.

— Daniel Glenn

Moving right along this is SharePoint collapsible sections MC 266077 and I mentioned at the very beginning this show.

— Daniel Glenn

This is one that I was just questioning. Or is this something that people are actually going to use? I I wasn't. I'm not saying that in a way of, well, this is.

— Daniel Glenn

This is junk and I don't you know, care about it. That's not what.

— Daniel Glenn

I'm saying what I am saying is I just don't know if it's this a high value functionality, but let's talk about it.

— Daniel Glenn

Basically, what it is you're going to be able to do when you go in to create a section, there will be a toggle there to say this is collapsible. You'll be able to give.

— Daniel Glenn

The verbiage you want to have show when the section is collapsed and whether you want it to be collapsed or expanded by default.

— Daniel Glenn

The I I see some.

— Daniel Glenn

Uh, use cases for this I I most certainly do, but I just don't think most users are going to use this.

— Daniel Glenn

Or they maybe they shouldn't use it. I think it's actually going to be used a whole lot more than it should be. Let me put it that way because and here's the here's the reason why I'm saying all this.

— Daniel Glenn

Is that when that section is collapsed, it is not very obvious that there's a bunch of sections there. If you're just scrolling on the page, which we know all users do, that users do not go line by line reading everything that's on your page.

— Daniel Glenn

They skim the page 1st to see if it's something they want to read, and then they go back up.

— Daniel Glenn

Well, if I'm skimming and there's a bunch of collapsed sections, then I'm not seeing the content. I'm not seeing your gorgeous, beautiful content.

— Daniel Glenn

Collapsible sections do shorten your page, which is great, you know, so I don't have to scroll, but I think this has the opportunity to be overused and therefore lowering the quality of your content. Users are going to see your content, but then again not.

— Daniel Glenn

Actually see it because it's in the collapsed section.

— Daniel Glenn

So just use.

— Daniel Glenn

It in, I think in an appropriate manner maybe. Make sure you know if I was using it, things like maybe a.

— Daniel Glenn

FAQ you know that that's what it really looks like initially when you have it collapsed like that. If you have a lot of content on a page and you just have to have it on a page and you don't want click users to click off to another page.

— Daniel Glenn

Then fine, this might be a good way, but I think maybe having some sort of indication above it to say this.

— Daniel Glenn

You know, click below on the collapsed sections to learn more or something like that in big bold letters.

— Daniel Glenn

So rollout targeted release will be early July which is now ISH and completed standard release by late July, so we're going to be getting it this month. Everybody will be. What do you think Daryl am I?

— Daniel Glenn

Am I going, you know, off the reservation here? Do I have some valid concerns? What? What do you think?

— Darrell Webster

Uh, yeah I I know what you mean that it's a feature people are going to try out. Maybe over use it initially the and like we're looking at a GIF animation here.

— Darrell Webster

For those on the audio podcast, so we have to sort of wait for it to loop through, but when it is published, it is just this little subtle triangle which.

— Darrell Webster

Suggest that you can expand the section and if you're smart, you've.

— Darrell Webster

Sort of duo toned and alternated between tones and your section so you can see where those sections break. If people don't do that then it just looks like 1 white block with a whole lot of little triangles that you can expand on . Actually wondering if.

— Darrell Webster

If we could use anchor points.

— Darrell Webster

Like it for headings inside those sections, and you click and it expands the section for you.

— Daniel Glenn

Oh well, that that would be a good thing to try. I don't know when so on Twitter this past week.

— Daniel Glenn

Joanne Klein, a fellow regarding365 member posted this and I replied back and she I think she said something to the effect of I needed this and I replied back and said but did you?

— Daniel Glenn

Do you really and then people were jumping in with? Yes, I needed you know. There were several people that jumped in and said they that this is something they will use and.

— Daniel Glenn

They absolutely needed. So again, I may be way off, but I just feel like there's it's ripe for opportunity for from people just totally overlooking your content. So I I think you don't be coy about hiding your content in this way. Make it obvious.

— Daniel Glenn

That there are sections there that are collapsed that you can get to more information, but the user has to click. That's all. That's what I'm saying. To make this you know something useful.

— Darrell Webster

All right, well yeah, we're interested to see how people put that to practice.

— Daniel Glenn

Yes, Darryl. Let's go on and let's talk about maybe profiles updating some profile.

— Darrell Webster

OK, well this was another announcement or message that had some discussion in the community. Microsoft 365 Profile update add topics to users profiles MC 267952 now this is talking about your delve profile.

— Darrell Webster

Or the profile card that you would see when you hover over someone named right. The way through Microsoft 365.

— Darrell Webster

And as you hover over that, it is getting its information across from Active Directory and various things that are in there and it does have connections through to the delve profile page.

— Darrell Webster

Now what you can do and you have been able to do this within profile pages of the past even before Dell was, you could add in skills you could add and ask me about and you could put these sorts of things into your profile and that might help us people.

— Darrell Webster

Residual profile.

— Darrell Webster

Uh, which maybe they don't depends on how your organization's using it. So what will be come coming through from that profile soon are those very things.

— Darrell Webster

If you added a topic to your delve profile page then it will come through now. One of the things I think.

— Darrell Webster

So topics can be skills, projects and even hobbies, right? One of the things that we all leapt to in terms of assumptions was.

— Darrell Webster

Is this related to fever topics? If I was a suggested me for a topic and I and I said to the Viva service, yes please.

— Darrell Webster

I'd be quite happy to be a subject matter expert. Ask me about that topic. Will that come through to my profile card?

— Darrell Webster

Then it appears at this stage that there's no connection to that yet. Now I I kind of understand that that topics being a add on service that you know, maybe at its first instance of this feature.

— Darrell Webster

You're probably not going to see something like that coming through, but we would hope that something like that would come through eventually.

— Darrell Webster

So it is going to be rolling out.

— Darrell Webster

Rolling out this feature early August and expect to be complete by mid October 2021, so that's quite a stretch in terms of that rollout of.

— Darrell Webster

Of this feature, there's nothing really to see there in terms of demonstration, but Daniel, how would you have expected this to work and be helpful?

— Daniel Glenn

So I I see that you know, being able to show that information on people cards is great, because if you've gone in there and filled out that information you want people to know it, and I think that's good now. Being able to consume that information in the future, whether it's in view of topics.

— Daniel Glenn

Or it's you know, on any sort of connection through the graph. I think it would be really great to connect to that information and utilize it. I mean, we're putting it in there.

— Daniel Glenn

And that's the whole point of, you know what we're doing with topics and what we're doing with.

— Daniel Glenn

Search solutions creative. You know. Search solutions people are coming up with is. We're trying to get to that information that's already there, so use the information that's already there.

— Daniel Glenn

If you have decided in your organization though, that you don't like this information showing up and you don't want people dealing with.

— Daniel Glenn

That then there's some information at the very bottom of this about the close. If you've closed the term set, basically responsibilities and you've said I don't want people adding to this, then there's some things you need to do, so make sure you check that out, but I feel like it's one step. I'm hoping like you.

— Daniel Glenn

That the next few steps will include, hey, you know this information can be used across the organization in a way that I can find out who's the expert in Microsoft's way. I want to use this tool.

— Daniel Glenn

Rule 2 it's at most, and I want to know who's bragging about. You know their expert in this way so.

— Darrell Webster

Yeah, or even just.

— Daniel Glenn

I can contact them.

— Darrell Webster

The the beauty of topics is it's detecting that these are things that people are talking about.

— Darrell Webster

This is what your business is in business about and so you're already being suggested as a as an expert for this, so it would be great to see that on the card and be able to click through from that card to the topics page.

— Darrell Webster

Like the

— Darrell Webster

The dream suggests for topics. But anyway, let's go into something kind of related share point syntax.

— Daniel Glenn

Sort of, yeah, sort of right. SharePoint syntax site template for model evaluation pick 6261.

— Daniel Glenn

This is Microsoft way of allowing you to evaluate this process of training models to classify content and it and it really is a.

— Daniel Glenn

I feel like kind of a promotional thing that they're doing. They're trying to give you the opportunity to utilize the technology to see if it would work for you and see how easy it is to work for you.

— Daniel Glenn

And to maybe have you buy syntax licenses. OK, so this update will start rolling out to it says to all SharePoint syntax customers in early July and should be completed in late July.

— Daniel Glenn

And so these you have to have access to the content center.

— Daniel Glenn

And through that content center you'll be able to and you can't do that through self service. You have to do it as an admin.

— Daniel Glenn

Create that content center and then you can point to a document library and start. You know having a model created based upon that content, not much more to say about this.

— Daniel Glenn

You can learn more about the the functionality of the SharePoint syntax.

— Daniel Glenn

Thanks, there's a link at the bottom about creating that content center, but if you're interested in this, I would say you know definitely check it out and learn more about the own the add on that you can add to to share point it is. It is something that does take steps.

— Daniel Glenn

You know of that, learning steps and this is a way for you to see that.

— Daniel Glenn

That evaluation to say I want to see if this model is going to work the for the document library and see if it works for uploaded files to give that evaluation and you know you can use it for training as well.

— Darrell Webster

Cool, I've got nothing to add.

— Darrell Webster

Uhm yes.

— Daniel Glenn

Great, so the next one Daryl is really all about the experience when we're joining a meeting, right?

— Darrell Webster

Yeah, come join custom branding but meeting. Join custom branding as you're joining that meeting. Then you're going to see an opportunity to put a logo there. This is MC 268191.

— Darrell Webster

When I say a logo.

— Darrell Webster

Digging deeper into this, you can actually choose multiple logos, which I found quite interesting that you might have a need to.

— Darrell Webster

Uh, divide based on a certain group or business unit and so you want to be able to have an identity as someone joins this meeting.

— Darrell Webster

Oh, who am I joining here again? Which division or which business unit? And in some cases I know that some school districts all share the same 365.

— Darrell Webster

So it could be quite useful to have a, uh, logo there that actually represents your school and you'll be able to assign that particular logo with meeting policies so that that will appear for your meeting.

— Darrell Webster

Join experience when you invite people to your meetings. The logo will appear for users who join from desktop.

— Darrell Webster

Web and mobile. So it's good to see the experience right across so little picture there of the policy center. We won't necessarily dive into that, but there are probably some.

— Darrell Webster

Guidelines around how big the logos supposed to be and what it looks like. You squint your eyes there. You'll be able to see that the logos is tiny in in the top right hand corner, so it's not massive.

— Darrell Webster

It's not this huge branding opportunity, it's more just about making it identifiable and I align it with the same kind of thinking.

— Darrell Webster

That you have, you can.

— Darrell Webster

Uhm, use a an organizational identifier for your email so it's like a security thing. You know that you are joining the meeting, that you think you're joining because it's got a recognizable logo of the host, so this is.

— Darrell Webster

Says rolling out complete late July.

— Darrell Webster

They begin and be complete in late July.

— Daniel Glenn

Just yeah.

— Daniel Glenn

That's an interesting point you brought up. I hadn't even thought about doing that as a security feature, but you gotta if you are using it as a security feature and I've talked about this on the show, it's been many moons ago that I do have a customer at least one that does.

— Daniel Glenn

Rolling images and so every month they change their image and it's a it's a.

— Daniel Glenn

You know, a random image really, and they put that on the Internet home page of this is the security image for this month.

— Daniel Glenn

This is security from last month, so if you get an email and it doesn't have that security, that security image, then it's wrong. You know it's coming from the wrong place, so it would be interesting to.

— Daniel Glenn

To see that, put into place. I guess you could do that here. It depends on how much the effort is into changing that logo out, but I guess you could.

— Daniel Glenn

You could do that. It is very small though, so it's not a very large image, but anyway, so that that is a new.

— Darrell Webster

But just large enough on that on that dark purple background that you know if you've got something that's quite colorful, it will pop and be easy to see.

— Daniel Glenn

I'm sure somebody will do it.

— Daniel Glenn

I mean, why not make it four times as big as it is? I'm looking at that logo on that demo, right?

— Darrell Webster

As well, you know.

— Daniel Glenn

I'm looking at it right now going. Why don't they make it four times, you know, I don't understand why it's so small.

— Darrell Webster

What about just having like a virtual background right behind that guy? With the preview you know you're just like you are coming into this environment. But yeah, who knows? We'll see what happens.

— Daniel Glenn

Maybe yeah, yeah, yeah.

— Daniel Glenn

That's right.

Yeah, all right.

— Darrell Webster

Jane will tell us about the next one for you, which is list.

— Daniel Glenn

Yes, it's Microsoft List custom list templates MC 267581 and this is the one I'm excited about.

— Daniel Glenn

Yay, we found out which one Daniel is excited about. Dude this is we have templates that are available to us when we create a list.

— Daniel Glenn

Microsoft List, but this is all about bringing your ability as an organization to publish list templates that you create too for other people to use. The rollout is targeted release.

— Daniel Glenn

Uh mid July. Complete by mid August and then standard released mid August to early September and really the when you create when you go to create a list there will be underneath right now you see templates but then there's going to be another tab from your.

— Daniel Glenn

And when you click on that tab, you'll see those list templates that have been added by your organization, and that's done by an admin.

— Daniel Glenn

Now, the way it's done now is to. You have to use PowerShell to upload these by an admin, so it's not users out there all creating their different templates.

— Daniel Glenn

Which there are pros and cons. Because in some organizations it would be really nice to have power users creating.

— Daniel Glenn

Blitz and including those, but.

— Daniel Glenn

This is nice. You can you know, set up some sort of approval workflow or something if you want it if that's what I'm imagining around this is hey, I have a template and I want to publish it and you know send it to the admin to get done.

— Daniel Glenn

So it you know, and in the bottom, of course it says you might want to notify users. This is definitely something if you're going to use it.

— Daniel Glenn

If you're going to publish, then go ahead and notify your users 'cause they're gonna have to click that tab to get to from your organization.

— Daniel Glenn

So you're going to need to educate them on hey, there's other 'cause it's subtle. It's not in your face.

— Daniel Glenn

There is another tab here to click.

— Daniel Glenn

It it is not you. It's kind of subtle so.

— Daniel Glenn

Make sure that you if you're going to use it, go ahead and educate your users, but I'm excited.

— Daniel Glenn

About this, I'm excited to see what your solutions are, so I'd love for you to get on the socials and at mention 365 MCS and show us what you're doing with templates.

— Daniel Glenn

I'd love to see your Microsoft List templates just to see what cool stuff you are doing. Any thoughts on this one there?

— Darrell Webster

I think it's along the same pattern as we see organizational templates for office documents, so it still needs an admin to put it into place. The documents are the templates are to be stored and the admin is to set that.

— Darrell Webster

So, but yeah, it's not as visual if if you're seeing possible templates you could use. It's not like a suggestion or displaying any organizational templates.

— Darrell Webster

The other category that I think as you're talking through it, which would be really helpful, is your templates or my templates personal templates.

— Darrell Webster

Because if you're creating lists and.

— Darrell Webster

Repeated fashion of a certain type and you've found a really good way of listing information. You probably want to have your own template and reuse it.

— Daniel Glenn

Yeah, and you can. You can do that kind of now because you can select from an existing list and it'll it'll create from that.

— Darrell Webster

— Daniel Glenn

But I I agree with you. You know, maybe maybe you would like to do a repeatable thing and have your own templates.

— Daniel Glenn

Darrell it is time to move on to Quick mentions which maybe we should call speed dial mentions.

— Darrell Webster

Very, very clever Daniel Speed dials on mobile devices MC 265766 guess what if you're using telephony within Microsoft Teams, then you can have this lovely.

— Darrell Webster

2 by and 12345 maybe it's longer. I don't know. Maybe we have to scroll a bit further, but those are all your speed dials, so if you're setting them up on your desktop, you'll have them on your mobile.

— Darrell Webster

It's just a tap away and you can make that call and this is rolling out. Early July completes late July.

— Darrell Webster

It's available on iPhones, iPads and Android. That's good to settle arriving, and it's all directly from the calls app.

— Darrell Webster

I said something there that I thought it might be related just to PSTN, but I think you can set up speed dials for people that you just call teams to teams, so yeah.

— Darrell Webster

Keep that in mind, Daniel, what is your one about?

— Daniel Glenn

Migrating admin experiences to the power platform admin center. That's a long one. MC 267095.

— Daniel Glenn

And this is a short message talking about they're removing the admin experiences for the power platform from the dynamic C Admin Center to its own power platform.

— Daniel Glenn

Admin center, so the new URL there is admin.powerplatform.microsoft.com and you will be able to see all of your wonderful admin stuff there. Nothing else is.

— Daniel Glenn

Being changed.

— Daniel Glenn

Uh, this is coming out beginning of August. Darrell one more quick mention.

— Darrell Webster

Yeah, one more, UM. Have you ever wanted to raise your hand on an audio call? Thank you, Daniel. Just for those who were listening but didn't see.

— Darrell Webster

In fact, that's making my point. Daniel raised his hand on the video feed.

— Darrell Webster

So you thought your title was long.

— Darrell Webster

Let me read hang on support for PSTN users to raise hand in meetings and for meeting organizers to manage PSTN audio capabilities.

— Daniel Glenn

— Darrell Webster


— Darrell Webster

Seconds, that was a ricochet.

— Darrell Webster

Yeah, well, I mean it. It sort of bounced around there 'cause there was a lot of a lot of words.

— Darrell Webster

What is this feature? Very quickly, it's uh, if you are on a call and you're wanting to ask a question today if you're just joining via the phone, there isn't a way in a teams online meeting to raise your hand. You just have to come off.

— Darrell Webster

Mute and go.

— Darrell Webster

I have something to say.

— Darrell Webster

But now you will be able to press star 5.

— Darrell Webster

And it will raise your hands within the teams, meeting attendees roster and the person who's facilitating or anyone actually would be able to see that hand raised.

— Darrell Webster

And we'll say, hey, come off mute. You've got a question. I see you've got there, so it's good that that there's.

— Darrell Webster

Uhm well, this is in the line.

— Darrell Webster

With the hybrid.

— Darrell Webster

Way of working and trying to give people equal opportunity to be part of the conversation.

— Darrell Webster

This is rolling out to standard in GCC and mid July, complete late July, GCH and DoD roll in late July, complete early August, and I feel like there should be 1/3.

— Darrell Webster

Thing there, but maybe not.

— Darrell Webster

Well, Daniel, we do have something to share and callbacks, don't we? It's.

— Daniel Glenn

We must certainly do. I'm this. One is fun as well and it's just one. Well, it's one show away.

— Daniel Glenn

It's a couple weeks away, but we talked about this last show. One drive sharing experience shared with MC 263839 and I'm going. It's rolled out to my tenant.

— Daniel Glenn

And it is a targeted tenant, but it's now rolled out, so I will demonstrate to you.

— Daniel Glenn

How this works? I am in my OneDrive. I have this file, I have shared it with other people, but when I go to share it again then down below I see that it is.

— Daniel Glenn

I have a sharing link already created for this. I also see that I have shared it with two different people.

— Daniel Glenn

Apparently one of.

— Daniel Glenn

As me, so the you'll see, just like we talked about those profile images of the people you shared with is just a quick way for you to see.

— Daniel Glenn

Oh wait, I've already shared it with Sally or Joe. I don't need to share it with them again. I just need to send them a link.

— Darrell Webster

Can you hover over the faces again or well your face?

— Daniel Glenn

And I can.

— Darrell Webster

Yeah, so that just pops up your name. What about the other faceless face?

— Daniel Glenn

I don't want to hover over that one there.

— Darrell Webster

OK, how about the link? Does the link tell you whether it is a?

— Daniel Glenn

I clicked if you click on the link it takes you into the manage access. If you click on the on the icon so it takes you into the manage access so you can deal with that.

— Darrell Webster


— Darrell Webster

Yeah, very cool.

— Daniel Glenn

It's actually, which is funny. This was a demo. I don't know when we did this, but it's you. But it's . It's an email address. I don't want to everyone to know your email address, so that's actually you.

— Darrell Webster

Oh OK, I'm faceless and in your tenant.

— Daniel Glenn

That's right, that's right. Yeah, so great, great functionality. That's here. That's being rolled out.

— Darrell Webster

Umm, and so that that is about us for the week, isn't it?

— Daniel Glenn

It is indeed it has been. I think it was great to have time off, but I'm glad to be back. Glad to have everyone in the chat room and glad everyone.

— Daniel Glenn

Was who watches the show or listens to this podcast. I'm so happy that you have decided to join with us and allow us to impart into your life some little bit of experience that we've had throughout the years. And some knowledge and share as a community. So really appreciate.

— Daniel Glenn

Like that we've our viewers, viewership and downloads of the audio podcast continue to go up so we continue to get more and more people who are listening and watching. So we're really. We really appreciate that. And thank you for coming on.

— Darrell Webster

Yeah, and do share your experience and opinions too. We're thankful for those who do. Join us in the live chat and add that value there.

— Darrell Webster

Also, for those of you who can't make it in time and you do jump into the comments later.

— Darrell Webster

Like yeah, Kevin yeah like thank you so much for your frequent comments and a number of other people there too.

— Daniel Glenn

Yes please.

— Darrell Webster

For support, share what you have experienced with these updates and what you think about what's coming. It's as a community that we actually draw the value out. Sometimes we challenge what Microsoft thinks is valuable.

— Darrell Webster

Sometimes we're suggesting things that actually end up getting picked up and added to the product as well, so it's a community effort and we thank you for joining us. Cool, well, let's roll it out. See you later.

— Daniel Glenn

Thanks very much.


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