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  • SharePoint Engage Phoenix

    Use Code Glenn150 for $150 off registration! SharePoint Engage is traveling to Arizona in March and I am happy to be giving two presentations at SPEngage Phoenix. This is a great opportunity to get your learn on, so join us! Event info and registration is on the SharePoint Engage website. Oh, and last time, this happened: Let me know best answer to one on top! #SharePoint #CAH https://t.co/H4mbR50itg — Jeff Teper (@jeffteper) November 2, 2016 [UPDATED] I had a wonderful time in Phoenix. Both of my sessions went well; great attendees, questions, and even a few jokes 🙂 My First session was on March 14, which is Pi day! Happy…

  • SharePoint Saturday Twin Cities 2017

    I am so happy to announce I will once again be speaking at SharePoint Saturday Twin Cities! #SPSTC is on May 6th and will once again be held at Normandale Community College. You can find out more information about the event on their website. Oh, and Jeff Teper will be there too! Hey @idubbs @SPSTwinCities – I hear you host awesome #SharePoint Saturdays – could I come to the next one on May 6th? — Jeff Teper (@jeffteper) February 7, 2017

  • Louisville SharePoint User Group March 2017

    It is great to see the SharePoint community organizing again in Louisville Kentucky and I will be speaking at their third meeting! On March 10th, I will make the short drive up to the ‘ville to discuss business intelligence options in SharePoint and Office 365. Register free via the Eventbrite page. Check out the Louisville SharePoint User group: Facebook   Twitter [UPDATED] I had a great drive up to Louisville Kentucky today! The Louisville SharePoint User Group (LouSPUG) is meeting again after taking some time off, and I was impressed with how well the group is organized (and the food was delicious!). There were a lot of fantastic questions from the…

  • SQL Saturday Nashville 2017

    This January we will once again host SQL Saturday in Nashville. #SQLSatNashville will be held January 14th and I have the pleasure of speaking at this great event. I will be presenting “Power BI & SharePoint – A Marriage Made in Redmond” – we will be discussing the business intelligence experience in SharePoint, Office 365, and what the future looks like in SharePoint BI. Register now and join us! SQL Saturday Nashville 2017

  • Postpone the SharePoint Online Public Site Deadline

    In October 2012, Microsoft released a feature called SharePoint Online Public Sites, which allowed the creation of a public-facing, anonymous ‘SharePoint-ish' site. It wasn't a full-featured SharePoint site – public sites had limited features, including static pages and generic theme capabilities – enough to make it useful for small companies with no web development resources. Microsoft targeted small and medium-sized business with this feature and it promised an easy to use method for generating content and modifying the web pages. However, the feature wasn't used by a majority of Office 365 customers and caused an abnormal amount of customer tickets. So in early 2015, Microsoft announced that the SharePoint Online…

  • NTC Community Leader of the Year Finalist

    I have enjoyed being involved with building tech community in the Nashville area over the last eight years. I truly enjoy meeting new people, fostering relationships with existing connections, and enabling everyone to learn. This year I am honored to be a finalist for the Nashville Technology Council Community Leader of the Year award. I am in great company – Joumana Rahime & Dr. Charles Apigian are also finalists and are both great members of the Middle Tennessee tech community! I am looking forward to the 8th annual NTC Awards ceremony, held January 26, 2017. You can join the party – the registration site is live!

  • SharePoint Fest Chicago

    For the latest 365EduCon information (formerly SharePoint Fest), go to this page: 365EduCon Information and Discount Code   I will be speaking in Chicago during SharePoint Fest this year. The conference runs from December 6th – 9th, 2016 and I will be presenting “Building Future-proof SharePoint Solutions with No Code”. We will focus on building meaningful solutions using out of the box features and staying away from anything that looks like code 😉 If you are in Chicago, please stop by and say hi! [Update] SPFest had great attendance this year and the attendees in my session were really engaged. I had a great crowd this morning. Wonderful conversation and…

  • SharePoint Friday Cincinnati 2016

    I will be speaking in Cincinnati, OH again and this time I will be presenting two sessions at SharePoint Friday (#ShareFriday). The first session is titled “Business Intelligence Using SharePoint and Power BI” and in it we will discuss the SharePoint BI story. The second session titled “Microsoft Flow: The successor to SharePoint Designer Workflows” will be an introduction to the new Flow product. I will also have workflow examples and I will be doing an interactive demo with the audience. You can register to attend (FREE) here: SharePoint Friday Cincinnati [UPDATE] My slides for the two presentations can be downloaded using the links below. Business Intelligence Using SharePoint and…

  • Nashville SharePoint Users Group – October 11, 2016

    I am excited to be presenting at our local SharePoint users group next week! I am presenting “Microsoft Flow: The Successor to SharePoint Designer Workflows”. I will introduce the service and give examples of how it is used to build workflows. I am also trying something new – I will pick out at least one suggestion from the audience to use as the example demo after my presentation! More information, including the registration link, is on the Nashville SharePoint Users Group website. [UPDATE] The presentation slides are here: Microsoft Flow The Successor to SharePoint Designer Workflows Nashville SUG Thank you to everyone who attended tonight & for the great interactive…

  • SharePoint Saturday Charlotte 2016

    I am very pleased to announce I will be at SPS Charlotte on September 17th to lead a session titled Business Intelligence Using SharePoint and Power BI. We will be talking about delivering a business intelligence solution using SharePoint, Power BI, and throwing in some Microsoft Flow! UPDATE: I am leading a second session titled Building SharePoint Solutions with Out of the Box Features and No Code. You can register to attend by going to the SPS Charlotte website. If you do attend, please stop by and say hi! [This post will be updated after the event] Here are the slides for my presentations: Business Intelligence Using SharePoint and Power…