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  • Golden Gate Bridge

    Security Depends on You in Office 365 with Liam Cleary

    Microsoft's Office 365 has built-in features that provide physical, logical, and data security for organizations large and small. While in San Francisco, I sat down with Liam Cleary [Blog – Twitter], Microsoft MVP and popular technology speaker to discuss implications of the impending GDPR legislation, as well as Office 365 security overall. 02:06 GDPR changes now affect any organization that works with any European organization 02:28 Office 365 requirements 02:59 Missing answers 03:01 When it comes to content, Microsoft [has] all the tools that you need 03:33 If haven't implemented those tools…. 04:38 GDPR dashboard 04:49 PNP dashboard – LINK 06:04 Security Compliance Center 07:31 The onus is still on…

  • IT DEV Connections 2017

    IT/Dev Connections 2017

    [UPDATED] It was a great week in San Francisco! The #ITDEVConnections conference is a high-quality event that focuses on real-world technical sessions and the conference delivered. Both of my sessions had good participation from attendees – I enjoyed answering questions and getting to know everyone. My first session topic was how you can plan and execute a transition from SharePoint Designer workflows to Microsoft Flow. The slides are available via the IT/Dev Connections website, but there was a question regarding the functionality gaps between Designer and MS Flow – in the session I mentioned a website to keep track of the gaps and here is the link: https://ms.flow.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/release-notes/#known-issues-and-resolutions I also mentioned…

  • Cory Williams at SPSCLT

    Talking SharePoint Management Console at SPS Charlotte with Cory Williams

    I sat down with Cory Williams [Twitter] at SharePoint Saturday (SPS) Charlotte to get his thoughts on Office 365 administration. Cory is one of the organizers of SPS Charlotte and was a speaker as well! 00:44 Pay attention to the Office 365 Message Center 01:17 Shameless plug for the REgarding 365 web show Office 365 Message Center: The week that was 01:47 New SharePoint Console 02:04 More dates please! 02:35 Release schedule – when are new features showing up in my Office 365 tenant 02:44 Reminders for new features and changes 03:36 Let's tie Microsoft Flow into the Office 365 Message Center

  • Memphis PASS User Group – September 14, 2017

    On September 14th 2017, I will be speaking to the Memphis PASS User Group! I will present SharePoint Business Intelligence options, including out of the box features, Excel, and Power BI. Find details on the topic, as well as register on the Meetup page. [UPDATE] Thank you to the great group tonight – I enjoyed presenting and I hope you will have me back to dive deeper into some of the technologies we discussed. Great meeting with @danielglenn discussing evolution of BI at the Memphis Power BI / PASS group tonight — Daniel R. Evans (@danthebiman) September 15, 2017 Here are my slides: Business Intelligence Using SharePoint and Power BI –…

  • MSIgnite App Welcome

    Microsoft Ignite 2017 Mobile App

    [UPDATE] It has been confirmed that a mobile version for all mobile platforms will be coming! Hi Jason! Yes, it will be available globally for iOS, Android, and Windows 10 mobile and desktop. — Microsoft Ignite (@MS_Ignite) September 5, 2017 ——————————- The Microsoft Ignite conference app has been updated to show the content for 2017. It really helps to keep your schedule and help with taking notes during sessions. Make sure you install the latest update to the app on our phone (all screenshots below are from the iOS app). You can view my first review of the app in the video below. As I said in the video, I…

  • GoPro - Solar Eclipse 2017

    Solar Eclipse 2017

    I am lucky enough to live in an area that was in the “path of totality” for the solar eclipse that took place August 21st, 2017. Being the largest city in the 100% coverage path, Nashville was expected to receive visitors from all over the world for the event and I had a front-row seat from my home! The hour leading up to the event was plagued by clouds. Stupid clouds. 🌥 #solareclipse2017 #eclipse2017 pic.twitter.com/fDD6Z0MYgv — Daniel Glenn (@DanielGlenn) August 21, 2017 Thankfully, the clouds parted before the total eclipse happened so I could see it clearly and take some pictures! This is a time-lapse video using my iPhone capturing…

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    Microsoft Ignite 2017

    The Microsoft Ignite conference this year is being held in Orlando, Florida USA from September 25th – 29th. There will be tons of learning opportunities (1000+ hours) on topics ranging from IoT to Office 365 and SharePoint.  The week is a great time of networking, learning, and finding new opportunities to get plugged into the community. I will be part of the REgarding 365 team doing various activities, including broadcasting live interactions with attendees, speakers, and experts from around the world. I am also very happy to be presenting two sessions at Microsoft Ignite this year: How to use Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, and Office 2016 to achieve more and Create a compelling…

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    Office 365 Msg Center: The week that was

    Keeping up with all the features and updates to Office 365 can be overwhelming. Microsoft is doing a better job of giving you insight into what is coming to your environment by posting to the Message Center within the Office 365 Admin Center. But if you don't check in with the message center often, you might miss something very important that has huge impact to you and your users. What about the announcements that aren't even in the Message Center – how do you stay informed? To help you be in the know, Darrell Webster and I will be going through the Message Center every week and giving you the information…

  • Using Your On-prem Data in a Cloud World

    Nashville Modern Excel & Power BI User Group August 2017

    I will once again be joining the Nashville Modern Excel User group to speak. On August 17th I will be speaking on “Using Your On-prem Data in a Cloud World” – walking through the benefits of using your on-premises data with cloud-based tools such as Power BI, Microsoft Flow, and PowerApps. Details can be found on the Nashville Modern Excel Meetup page. [I will update this page after the meeting]

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    SharePoint Fest Seattle 2017

    I am once again happy to announce I will be speaking at SharePoint Fest – this time in Seattle on August 10th and 11th. My first presentation will be Transition Your SharePoint Designer Workflows to Microsoft Flow on August 10th – with SharePoint Designer being deprecated, what are you supposed to do with your existing workflows? We will discuss how to transition your workflows to Microsoft Flow so you can begin to gain the benefits of the ever-expanding service. On August 11th, I will present Business Intelligence Using SharePoint and Power BI – we will discuss all the Business Intelligence options we get out of the box with SharePoint and…