This week on the 365 Message Center Show They weren't kidding when they coined the #yearofyammer tag at #MSIgnite last year. Imagine working your way through your email notifications from #MicrosoftTeams, #Yammer, and other #Microsoft365 services. You open an email notification for a Yammer conversation and while you're in your flow answering email, you post a quick response to the Yammer thread – direct from email! This level of email interaction is also coming to Teams. But Yammer is set to give us the first taste. Nice! Also in this week's show: – Rolling back Office Message Encryption domain customization changes – Updated: Teams Channel Cross posting – Restricting forms-based…
Show the Skype for Business add-in in Outlook after switching to Microsoft Teams
Recently I needed to schedule a meeting with a large group for a client. The client representative asked me to schedule it as a Skype for Business meeting because most of the attendees had not been targeted for Microsoft Teams yet and they didn't want the technology to get in the way during the meeting time. Therefore, I needed to schedule the meeting using the Skype for Business Outlook Add-in. New Skype Meeting Button Is Missing However when I opened Outlook to schedule the Skype meeting, I found that it was a little more difficult than I expected. Watch the video to find out how I was able to overcome…
SharePoint Page Difference Visualization
As announced during Microsoft Ignite and new to SharePoint Online: view modern page differences in past versions with SharePoint page difference visualization. This functionality will enable page authors to find changes made and reverse them if needed. Check out my video below demonstrating the functionality and then read the details below! Also, you can view on YouTube Manage Versions Versioning and having a version history has been a staple for SharePoint for a long time. However, with this update we are able to get even more detail into what has actually been updated. Using the old (classic) way of viewing version history, there is no way to know what has…
How to Increase Your OneDrive Storage Limit
As your user's storage needs grow, they may find themselves needing more than the default storage allotment. Via the OneDrive Admin Center, Microsoft provides a way to increase the storage quota for your Office 365 tenant. However this change does not apply to existing users in your Office 365 tenant. So you may be asking: how do I increase my storage limit on OneDrive in Office 365? Read on! How do I check my OneDrive quota? In the video below, I show how a user can check their storage quota, as well as how you can check your Office 365 tenant quota. What is the capacity of OneDrive? Office 365's…
Users Can Now Buy Office 365 Licenses via Self-Service
As announced last year by Microsoft, Office 365 now allows any user in your organization to purchase a license for Power BI Pro. As Message Center post MC193609 announced, Power BI Pro is available for self-service purchase beginning on January 14th, 2020. The current price for a Power BI Pro license with annual agreement is $9.99 USD. The other Power Platform tools, Power Automate and Power Apps, will be available for self-service purchase by your users on January 28th, 2020. Watch the video below for step-by-step instructions! Why not allow self-service? There are a few reasons why you might want to disable the ability for your users to purchase licenses…