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  • Microsoft Fabric

    Microsoft Fabric and Copilot

    At Microsoft's Build 2023 conference, Microsoft Fabric was announced as the new integrated and simplified experience for all analytics, along with Copilot in Microsoft Fabric. Microsoft says Fabric is a next-generation service that can transform your data into intelligence and innovation. Click to read more!

  • The POWER of Microsoft Lists and Power BI - Guy in a Cube

    The POWER of Microsoft Lists and Power BI – Guy in a Cube

    My second visit with Adam at Guy in a Cube highlights the benefits of using data from a Microsoft List in Power BI. Many organizations have data in their SharePoint and Microsoft Lists. I show how you can visualize that data using Power BI - in more than one way!

  • The MAGIC of Microsoft Teams and Power BI - with Guy in a Cube

    The MAGIC of Microsoft Teams + Power BI – Guy in a Cube

    I recently had the pleasure of working with Guy in a Cube on a video highlighting the benefits of using Power BI in Microsoft Teams. It was fun to break-in - I mean be invited into Patrick's cube - to record this video with Adam. :)  With almost 24,000 views in just a few days, it has proven a popular topic! Be on the lookout for another video we recorded around Microsoft Lists!

  • 365 Message Center Show #365MCS

    Episode Posts on New #365MCS Podcast Website

    The 365 Message Center Show #365MCS has a new website home page! The new URL for the home page of the podcast is 365MCS.com. For those that watch or listen to the show regularly, you will still find the video episodes on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/365mcs - and the audio podcasts wherever you get your podcasts. The new home page however will always show the latest audio and video version of the show for your ease of use, as well as a place for you to send others to find the show! This means that the episode recap posts will no longer be hosted here on this website - you will…

  • Microsoft 365 Conference

    Microsoft 365 Collaboration Conference

    Formerly known as the SharePoint Conference, the Microsoft 365 Collaboration Conference #M365Conf is back. The conference will happen May 2nd - 4th 2023 at MGM Grand in Las Vegas, Nevada.

  • Get Started Creating Power BI Reports Twin Cities 2023

    Microsoft 365 Twin Cities Winter 2023

    A full day free training and networking event is returning to the Twin Cities area on January 21, 2023. The Microsoft 365 Twin Cities event has been one of the largest SharePoint Saturday events in the United States. I am sure this time around will be no different! The list of speakers includes many experts and Microsoft MVPs, so check out the list of sessions and speakers on the Community Days site: Community Days | M365 Twin Cities Microsoft 365 Twin Cities I will be presenting a new session title Get Started Creating Power BI Reports. If you're starting with Power BI or report creation makes you a little nervous,…

  • Developing Inclusive Communications Through Microsoft Teams

    Developing Inclusive Communications Through Microsoft Teams

    With hundreds of millions of users utilizing Microsoft Teams, it is so important that organizations know how to foster a collaborative and open culture through Microsoft 365. It was on this premise that I recently joined fellow Microsoft MVP Alistar Pugin on a free webinar to explain optimization options for success. Check out the free recording!

  • Communities in Microsoft Teams - Daniel Glenn

    Communities in Teams

    Microsoft has announced the launch of Communities in Teams - a new take on Microsoft Teams for personal use. Using the same Microsoft Teams app and learnings from years of use by millions of users, anyone will be able to use Teams for calls, sharing, and collaborating. I had the pleasure of speaking with Amit Fulay, Vice President of Product at Microsoft, about the launch and the direction Communities in Microsoft Teams is headed. The video of our conversation is at the end of this post.

  • OneDrive/SharePoint Share Control - Simplifying Link Settings - 365 Message Center Show #263

    OneDrive/SharePoint Share Control – Simplifying Link Settings

    Creating sharing links is going to be clear and simple thanks to some changes in the Share Control window for OneDrive and SharePoint. Descriptions are simpler. See who is using a sharing link at a glance. This should simplify choosing the right type of link for sharing. That and more on this week's episode!!

  • Public Preview of Power BI and Microsoft Graph Integration - 365 Message Center Show #262

    Public Preview of Power BI and Microsoft Graph Integration

    See recommended Power BI content. Receive signals such as "Megan edited your Power BI report". Isaac created a new report in your team workspace. Power BI with more power to reach you where you are working, across Microsoft 365. More covered in this episode including SharePoint Tenant Rename, deleting personal chats in Microsoft Teams, & more!