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  • SharePoint Friday Cincinnati 2016

    I will be speaking in Cincinnati, OH again and this time I will be presenting two sessions at SharePoint Friday (#ShareFriday). The first session is titled “Business Intelligence Using SharePoint and Power BI” and in it we will discuss the SharePoint BI story. The second session titled “Microsoft Flow: The successor to SharePoint Designer Workflows” will be an introduction to the new Flow product. I will also have workflow examples and I will be doing an interactive demo with the audience. You can register to attend (FREE) here: SharePoint Friday Cincinnati [UPDATE] My slides for the two presentations can be downloaded using the links below. Business Intelligence Using SharePoint and…

  • Nashville SharePoint Users Group – October 11, 2016

    I am excited to be presenting at our local SharePoint users group next week! I am presenting “Microsoft Flow: The Successor to SharePoint Designer Workflows”. I will introduce the service and give examples of how it is used to build workflows. I am also trying something new – I will pick out at least one suggestion from the audience to use as the example demo after my presentation! More information, including the registration link, is on the Nashville SharePoint Users Group website. [UPDATE] The presentation slides are here: Microsoft Flow The Successor to SharePoint Designer Workflows Nashville SUG Thank you to everyone who attended tonight & for the great interactive…