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  • SharePoint Database Performance – Moving the SharePoint SQL Database to New Location on the Same Server

    I run an instance of WSS 3.0 on a machine at home for testing. I don't use it much because it is so slow unless you are on the LAN. I always knew it was because of SQL, but I didn't really have time to look into fixing it. See, I don't have the option of having two separate drives in the machine. NOTE: You should never run SQL databases on the same HD spindle where the OS is located due to exactly what I was experiencing: slow response. Then I woke-up to the year 2007 and apparently there are external HDDs you can buy…okay, I knew about them; I…

  • Exclude Managed Path

    In the SharePoint version 2.0 products, to exclude a directory from SharePoint “control”, you add an Explicit Exclusion to the Managed Paths for the site using the Central Administration Website. You also add Explicit Inclusions and Wildcard Inclusions at the same location. However, in SharePoint version 3.0 products, it is a bit different. You still create Explicit Inclusions and Wildcard Inclusions on the administration page for the site. However, to create an Explicit Exclusion, you just have to create a new Virtual Directory in IIS underneath the appropriate IIS Virtual Server. This is because ASP.NET knows that when you create a new virtual directory, it should not touch it. Pretty…